Retreats we offer

Honoring the Body
Mar 14-16
Registration $299
​Embark on a 2-day journey at a beautiful retreat center discovering how you can honor God by caring for your physical body. We will look at scripture, facts on food, fitness, and other factors that impact us, body, mind, and spirit. This is not a fad diet or an extreme exercise program. You will develop a sustainable individualized lifestyle plan through teaching, activities, discussion, and quiet time with the Lord. If you're tired of struggling with food issues or taking care of the body God has given you, this retreat is for you!
Mar 21-23
Registration $350
The Making Peace retreat provides a safe, confidential place to examine yourself, your relationship with God, and your relationship with others. Jesus centered psychology and Biblical truths will be shared in the weekend-long teaching, activities, and group discussion to help you break free from the burdens and bondage of the past and to discover the truth and freedom of who you are in Christ.
An important part of Making Peace is the 9-week follow up small group meetings that utilizes the workbook Making Peace and Beyond. Zoom attendance is available when in person is not possible.

Silent Retreat
Mar 28-30
Registration $299
Spend the weekend in a place of sacred serenity, free of distractions and busyness. You will have a private room with meals provided and a variety of self guided devotionals to choose from as well as the opportunity to meet with a Spiritual Director. There is no schedule, which allows you to have unlimited rest, study the scriptures, reflect, and spend time with the Lord. Come and experience all God has for you as you respond to His invitation to be still and know Him.
New Cohort starts in April!
Embark on a journey of discovery and growth, through 9 retreats over 3 years, learning who God is, who He created you to be, and equipping you to disciple others.
Each retreat is $399 and covers your private room, meals, and curriculum.
Spiritual Formation is slow, incremental, over time, with others, and for others